What We Do At The Uber academy
Quite simply, I develop teachers in Applied Blockchain.
Whether you are a VET Trainer & Assessor, or a Corporate Trainer wanting to gain a qualification in Applied Blockchain, I will work with you to certify you as an Uber Academy Graduate delivering our courses.
The courses are fully accredited by ASQA in Australia and are registered on the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) As the designer, architect, and author of these courses, you will learn from the guy who actually wrote the courses.
Professional Development
I am constantly researching and writing on how blockchain is being applied and provide relevant articles on the Uber Academy Blog. Your subscripting provides you with exclusive access to thee ‘Industry Articles’ and you can add these to your ‘Professional Development Plan’ each year to meet your compliance requirements.
I will also be offering at least two exclusive project-based programs each year for Trainers & Assessors that can be used for ‘Industry Currency’, again adding to your compliance requirements with regulators and colleges. These programs are tightly aligned to the content and core principles of the courses. Perfect to form examples and case studies for your students.